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Why God Doesn't Exist

    1.0        QM cannot explain the phenomenon known as tunneling

    Most materials are amorphous, that is, their atoms and molecules are not arranged methodically in arrays
    and, therefore, they are not transparent. There are exceptions, however. For example, glass is a transparent
    amorphous substance, which some prefer to regard as a super-cooled liquid rather than as a solid. So why
    are glass and water transparent while cardboard and wood are opaque?

    A mechanic will tell you that a transparent material such as glass has essentially two choices. The electrons
    either absorb the incoming wave or they let it go through.

    “ An electron absorbs the energy of the photon and sends it back out the way
      it came in (reflection)… An electron cannot absorb the energy of the photon,
      in which case the photon continues on its path (transmitted)” [ 1 ]

    In the religion of Quantum, the passage of a photon is a hit or miss phenomenon governed solely by the
    laws of probability. An electron that absorbs an EM wave may relay it in the form of reflection.

    The problem is that the electron bead is such an invisibly small part of the atom that you wonder how it
    can absorb so many photons crossing the atom’s space. Nevertheless, a glass plate is solid and without
    holes. How does the tiny photon ball manage to sneak through a non-porous material?

    The mechanics change their hypotheses when they tackle these questions. They say that a proton
    occupies only 1/10,000 of the volume of the atom. In other words, according to Quantum an atom is mostly
    empty space. They want you to believe on the one hand that a photon can go through glass because the
    atoms are mostly empty space, but then, at the right frequencies, they get absorbed by an insignificant
    electron bead for no reason that they can explain. The mechanics also want you to believe that if you
    increase the number of insignificant photons (amplitude), more infinitesimal electrons will be knocked out
    of their orbits.

    There is something fishy about these explanations. From a strictly statistical point of view, an amorphous
    substance like glass is guaranteed to have layers upon impregnable layers of molecules forming a wall. It
    would appear that light would always have a proton or a neutron to bounce against in its path across glass.
    And if not glass, surely water. We can see the bottom of a 10-foot deep pool almost perfectly, and the photon
    ball has to traverse countless atoms to get to the floor and back. It is unlikely that the photon ball could have
    made the round trip without encountering at least one proton, neutron, or electron which would have
    unambiguously deflected it from its path. And if light did run the impossible obstacle course unscathed, why
    can’t it do the same with a thin sheet of cardboard or wood. If atoms are mostly empty space, why can’t light
    even make the one-way trip to the other side of a thin sheet of paper? Why does a sheet of paper make a
    shadow whereas a thick pool of water allows the entire image through the entire round trip? Just as
    compelling, if passage of a photon through glass is a hit or miss, statistical matter, why do ultraviolet photon
    balls get stopped altogether in their attempt to cross a window pane? These are qualitative issues that we
    are not going to resolve with numbers.
Tunneling Tachyons!

    Under the Theory of Threads, we restate the assumption: every atom in the universe is connected to all
    others. When light from the Sun shines ‘through’ a window very few of the signals traveling along threads
    connecting Sun atoms directly to wall atoms actually permeate the window. Almost all of the atoms in the
    wall are masked by glass atoms. This means that wall atoms receive the Sun’s light indirectly from the
    glass atoms that stand in their way. We can verify this by painting the glass black. The glass now generates
    a shadow. Therefore, the atoms in the glass absorb almost all the torque signals that would in the absence
    of glass reached the wall. The reason the glass is transparent is that the molecules in the glass have the
    property of relaying the signal via EM threads to the molecules constituting the wall!

    Here’s one version that reinforces my view:

    “ If the frequency or energy of the incoming light wave is much higher or much lower
    than the frequency needed to make the electrons in the material vibrate, then the
    electrons will not capture the energy of the light, and the wave will pass through the
    material unchanged. As a result, the material will be transparent to that frequency of
    light.” [ 2 ]

    This explanation is close, but not quite. It is not that the glass is transparent to a frequency, meaning that
    the photon ‘corpuscle’ physically goes through the atom or the electron like an ethereal spirit. It is that the
    atom in the glass retransmits the signal coming from the Sun (Fig. 2)! The torque signal used a highway
    that was already there. The atom resonates within a range of frequencies. Apparently, UV light is not one
    of those frequencies and is therefore blocked. The signal dies at the glass molecule which acts as a shock

    In regards to opaque material such as wood and cardboard (or as glass is to UV light), the molecules are
    fixed and arranged in such a way that they do not have the property to relay signals at the given frequency.

    “ the electrons in the glass absorb the energy of the photons in the UV range while
    ignoring the weaker energy of photons in the visible light spectrum.” [ 3 ]

    Again, the Ptolemaic explanation ‘absorbs the energy of photons’ gives us no insight into what is physically
    happening because we have no idea what the words energy and photon stand for.

    Thread Theory offers a rational reply. Because of their orientation, distribution, and nature, the atoms
    comprising the cardboard are not synchronized to resonate with the incoming light (i.e., do not refract
    the signal). Therefore, the ropes that connect cardboard atoms to wall atoms continue torquing at their
    regular pace. We call this effect a shadow. The atoms forming the surface of the cardboard mostly reflect
    signals received from other atoms in the room. The entire world around you, everything you see, is largely
    reflected light, most of which originates in the Sun. This light refracts through the molecules comprising
    our atmosphere. The atoms in your vicinity simply retransmit the signals pumped by atoms stimulated in
    turn by torque signals arriving from the Sun.

Fig. 1
Fig. 1

    I have now established the fundamentals to understand a mystical phenomenon known to the mechanics
    as tunneling. Under the Quantum corpuscular hypothesis, we have to assume that a photon that travels
    freely in space should outrun a photon that encounters barriers (Fig. 2). Thus, if we discover that the two
    photons arrive at destination simultaneously, we have to conclude that the handicapped photon made up
    the difference by traveling faster. This is the idiotic reasoning behind the famous tunneling effect that so
    fascinates the mechanics. The mathematicians call this hypothetical fast photon a ‘tachyon’.

Fig. 2    
The opaque and its shadow
The atoms and molecules of
opaque materials are arranged in
such a way that they do not
resonate. Therefore, the high
frequency signal is retransmitted
at a low frequency or not at all.
Amorphous substances such as
glass have their molecules
arranged in such a manner that
allows them to relay most of the
signal through.

Fig. 3   Relay Race: simplified explanation of ‘tunneling’

    The first thing you should come to terms with is that you need no Math to understand the qualitative issue
    before us. The next thing you must be on guard against is the fine print. The mathematicians are constantly
    devising ever more supernatural and irrational arguments to get around any objections you may have. In
    the case of tunneling, you should be on the lookout for dualities. The mechanic insinuates particle, but
    explains tunneling with waves. During the physical interpretation, especially for laymen, the mathematician
    tells you that a ‘photon’ made it across the finish line. In QM jargon, when not specifically clarified, the word
    photon means particle. However, when you pressure the mathematician a little, he explains that what
    stretched its neck across the finish line was a wave.

    “ Consider rolling a ball up a hill. If the ball is not given enough velocity, then it will not
    roll over the hill. This scenario makes sense from the standpoint of classical mechanics,
    but is an inapplicable restriction in quantum mechanics simply because quantum
    mechanical objects do not behave like classical objects such as balls. On a quantum
    scale, objects exhibit wavelike behavior. For a quantum particle moving against a
    potential energy ‘hill’, the wave function describing the particle can extend to the other
    side of the hill. This wave represents the probability…” [ 4 ]

    [Stop! Stop! Stop! The rational mind can only take so much! What kind of idiocy is all
    this? What can it possibly mean to say that a wave is a probability? Is an ocean wave
    a statistical entity? And what can it possibly mean to say that an object exhibits wavelike
    behavior? Are we saying that a ball ‘is’ a wave or that it can ‘move’ like a wave? Who
    cares if it can move like a wave? What does this have to do with the ball ‘being’ on the
    other side of a hill? And what can it possibly mean to say that a mathematical function
    can extend over the hill? Are we stretching variables? Numbers? How much poppycock
    can a ‘quantumite’ fit into one paragraph? People just repeat what an idiot in the
    establishment said without challenging his logic or language!]

    But that’s the beauty of dualities. You insinuate particles and, if the criticism turns rough, you can always
    backtrack and say that you were really talking about waves.

    In Thread Theory, an atom relays the signal to the next through the EM rope. Light does not travel through
    empty space but along the threads interconnecting two atoms. Hence, depending on how the experiment
    is set up in the race between the alleged hare and turtle, under the right circumstances, the signal from an
    atom in the air to an atom in a detector may take up as much time as one traveling through a barrier to the
    same detector. Both signals could conceivably arrive simultaneously.
A photon running through a medium should arrive late, but it doesn’t. The mechanics ‘infer’ that
the FTL ‘tachyon’ makes up the difference by sprinting faster the last stretch of the race. In the
religion of Quantum, light travels slower through glass than it does through air.

Under the rope hypothesis, light always travels at the same speed irrespective of medium. An
atom emits signals along the rope when it expands and contracts. This signal travels to another
atom and induces it to pump, sometimes at the same frequency. The signal is thus relayed from
atom to atom, whether the atom belongs to air or to a solid medium.


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