Adapted for the Internet from:

Why God Doesn't Exist

    You would think that after thousands of years of dabbling in numbers, the mathematicians of the word would at least be
    able to define the bread and butter of their discipline. You would be wrong. The establishment cannot tell you what a
    number is. The mathematicians cannot tell you without stuttering whether numbers exist or whether zero is a number.
    They don't know what infinity means. Here I look at some of the fundamentals of Mathematics, the pillars of this abstract
    discipline. You will discover that, contrary to popular belief, a mathematician is not a very intelligent person, especially
    when it comes to applying logic or when expressing his thoughts coherently.

    The mathematician is by nature an autistic individual. He has a runaway brain in this peculiar abstract activity that
    humans have invented of counting and adding things. He has taken variables, functions, and matrices to ridiculous
    levels. The topics that the mathematicians discuss today have no bearing on reality. We don't need to learn derivatives
    or integration or topology to understand the physical world, and certainly we don't need to understand Math to develop
    technology.  A mathematician is an individual that is poorly educated in logic and takes for granted statements,
    definitions, axioms, and conclusions that a physicist can't and doesn't.
A mathematician
doesn't know what a
number is
Count Bill
counting the number of
mathematicians he would like to see
impaled on their slide rulers
One mathematician,
two mathematicians,
three mathematicians impaled...
aaah, aaah, aaah...
four mathematicians,
five mathematicians...


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