1.0   The Way of Math

    You see an equation on the board: y = x + 1. If you want to know the value of y, you must simply enter a value for x and
    perform the calculation. For example, if x is equal to 1, y will be equal to 2. But this is a single value, a single point on the
    chart. Equations are useful because we can plug in several values for x and calculate several values for y. Now you don't
    have just one point on the chart, but a trend. You can reach conclusions such as whether the line is going up or going
    down or zig-zagging. This in turn enables you to draw certain types of conclusions. For example, if the subject matter is
    finance or money, you may conclude that stock prices are going up or that the profits are coming down.

    But what is a trend if not something in motion. You are watching a movie of something getting bigger or smaller, or growing
    or shrinking. An equation is nothing but a symbolic expression of how something moves. Mathematics deals ONLY with
    dynamic situations. It has no relevance whatsoever in the context of static, structural scenarios. An equation cannot tell you
    what an invisible entity looks like.

    The mathematician is still unconvinced. He has been conditioned to think that Math is everything and without it we have
    nothing. Therefore, he places little weight (actually no weight at all) on intuition and common sense, meaning his eyes. He
    truly believes that ultimately he will discover the underlying nature of the Universe (what things are) through a set of
    equations. (Or maybe he doesn't care, and uses his language a bit too liberally.) He purports to do this indirectly. He
    observes the behavior of an invisible entity and deduces its structural nature. As far as the mathematician is concerned,
    all he has to do is describe with an equation how the visible entity moves. If the mathematician can predict how the entity's
    next move, he now has proof that his hunch was correct and his peers grant him a Nobel Prize. This is the method the idiots
    of Mathematics have successfully used time and again. For instance, this is how the mathematicians first 'predicted' and then
    confirmed the existence of black holes. They began by theorizing that a black hole must be the result of an enormous 'mass'
    that shrinks to a point. Once they convince each other of this nonsense, they move on to the 'proof' phase of their method of
    doing things. One fine day, an astronomer focuses his telescope at the night sky and sees a large amount of gas swirling
    around for no apparent reason. Ergo, the invisible entity is the long sought after black hole. Now it is no longer a hypothesis
    or even a theory. Now we have experimental evidence for the existence of black holes, and you are a rotten egg if you don't
    believe in them!

    2.0   The Way of Science

    Let's do a thought experiment to debunk this line of reasoning.

    Take an inclined plane and a ball standing at starting point A as shown in Fig. 2. We release the ball and it comes rolling down
    to point B where it strikes a button that lights up a panel (Fig. 3). The first thing we realize is that we don’t need equations or
    numbers to explain any part of the physical phenomenon before us. We only need Math if we wish to calculate how big the ball
    is, how much it weighs, or how fast it rolls. If we simply want to tell someone ‘what occurred’ we just need ordinary speech.

    3.0   The Way of Math again

    The mathematician argues that he can bring his experience to bear on the issue. He calculates the mass necessary to
    compress the button and the speed in which the entire event happens from the time he releases the ‘thing’ at A to the time
    the lights go on at B. Perhaps a cube could have slid down the inclined plane, but friction would slow it down. No. It must
    necessarily be a ball that rolls. A ball contacts the inclined plane at a single point known as a tangent. He performs an
    experiment to certify his intuition and confirms his guess. The ball more or less matches observation. It increases in speed
    as it rolls down. No more speculation. It is now official. The entity in question is definitely a ball (Fig. 4). He publishes a
    seminal paper and his peers give him a Nobel Prize in inclined planes, or maybe in rolling balls. He now has the authority to
    spit on you if you doubt him.

    It turns out that the famous rolling ball is really a coil, a reverse jack-in-the-box that is stretched at A and compressed at B
    (Fig. 5). The spring does in fact slide along the inclined plane, but it functions differently than would a cube. For example,
    the portion of the spring that is in contact with the inclined plane is spread out over its length, and force is greater the more
    the coil is compressed. .

    So again, the equations, functions, and measurements were misleading. The only way to reveal an invisible entity is through
    what the idiots of Mathematics call ‘philosophy’. We first need to conceptualize, to visualize, to use our intuition. The
    mathematician needs to make an assumption. Only then can he later describe the object. Now he can model its behavior with
    Math. If the mathematicians spend all their energies developing equations and taking measurements and ‘confirming’ through
    experiments, but have the wrong hypothesis from the start, their work has been in vain.

    4.0   Conclusions

    The ridiculous theories of Mathematical Physics (relativity, quantum, and string theories) are afflicted with the erroneous logic
    that equations, experiment, inference, and integration can give us a glimpse   of the invisible world of objects. Pastor Al, the
    founder of the Church of Relativity, believed that he  could infer structural aspects (shape, dimensionality) of our Universe
    from a set of equations. This is how his followers concluded that our Universe looks like a ball which is supposed to be
    expanding.    He calls this idiocy space-time. Since the mathematicians claim also that they cannot see or even imagine this
    ball, you have no choice but to accept this contraption at face value. Just to cover all the bases, they add that there is nothing
    outside this ball providing contour. In fact, it is a bit worse than this. The mathema-ticians have decreed that it is unscientific
    to even ask the question. If you tell one     of Einstein's idiots that space-time is just his opinion, he will tell you that it has been
    confirmed through various experiments.  Again, this line of thinking confirms that the mathematical physicists believe that they
    can infer that space-time is a curved, physical object from a set of equations. In Science, there is only one way to present a
    physical object, and that is to point to it.
Adapted for the Internet from:

Why God Doesn't Exist
    Fig. 2
    Ball at the top of an inclined plane
Fig. 3
Ball rolling down an inclined plane

    Fig. 3

    Invisible entity on an inclined plane

Fig. 4   Inferring objects through Mathematics

Fig. 5   Wrong guess!

Mathematics cannot help us infer objects! We infer objects through the process of
elimination. This process only involves qualitative considerations.
A mathematician claims
to infer shape through
equations and numbers

Fig. 1

An invisible body rolling down
the inclined plane of
Mathematical Physics

    Now let’s assume that the entity in question (the ball) is invisible (Fig. 3). In fact, we don’t even know whether it is a ball. We
    merely reproduce the results: ‘something’ strikes the button at B and lights up the panel. Again, we realize that equations and
    numbers are of little use to diagnose the structural and architectural nature of the invisible entity. Will writing tell us that it
    was a cube, a sphere, a pyramid, or a cylinder that rolled or slid down the plane?

No. You're wrong. I did
not see your shape by
looking at your reflection
in the window. I did it all
with my calculator.


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