

    1. A generic term used to designate the subset of nouns that exist (e.g., a leprechaun, a unicorn, and God
    are defined to be hypothetical objects, but they are not part of the matter of the universe). Inherent in its
    condition as such, in addition to shape and 3-dimensionality, matter is further characterized by displace-
    ability and incessant motion. Analogy: the active notation 'one' of Mathematics. (Note: a tribar, a Riemann
    Triangle, a circle, and a volume are actually itineraries that mathematicians have confused for objects and
    geometric 'figures'.)

    2. Matter (adj.): A generic term used to designate the subset of nouns that exist. Inherent in its condition
    as such, in addition to shape and 3-dimensionality, matter is further characterized by displace-ability and
    incessant motion. The study of matter is called Ontology.

    All the mutually-bound atoms that exist.


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